Opinions expressed are those of the poster and not necessarily the Sonoma County Young Democrats.

Monday, December 29, 2008

A California Carol?

Have you seen "A California Carol"?

Just in time for the holidays, it's a new video from the Courage Campaign featuring Governor Schwarzenegger as Ebenezer Scrooge, facing the ghosts of California past, present and future.

You don't want to miss this:


After you watch the video, please consider joining me in signing the card for Governor Schwarzenegger. Tell him that California deserves a leader, not a Scrooge, this holiday season!

Sonoma County Rocked the Vote!

For those who missed the election results - Sonoma County rocks! We set a record voter turnout of 93.4%. Numbers straight from the CA Secretary of State's website: 231,817 total voters out of 248,122 registered voters. Don't believe me - check it yourself.

Young people across the state were alo rocking the vote. California voters under age 30 favored Obama by 56 points, 77% Obama-21% McCain; voted to defeat Proposition 4 by 24 points, 38% Yes-62% No; and voted to defeat Proposition 8 by 26 points, 37% Yes-63% No.