Opinions expressed are those of the poster and not necessarily the Sonoma County Young Democrats.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

No on 98, Yes on 99

Or if you prefer: We hate 98!

Proposition 98 goes too far. It was placed on the ballot by wealthy landlords who spent millions to put it on the ballot. It would rollback laws protecting renters and the environment. Proposition 99, on the other hand, provides protections to landowners from eminent domain (for private development purposes) while also protecting renters' rights and the environment.

The authors of Prop 98 think people should be able to do anything they want on their own land. Hmm…I wonder if the language would allow them to bypass other laws and regulations like land-use that neighbors rely on to keep their neighborhoods respectable (and with no monstrosity eye-sores).

Prop 98 guts environmental protections. Just when we are beginning to take serious action on global climate change, the laws we’ve passed to protect our land, air, water and coasts would be overruled. Our drinking water all comes from the same supplies. This puts us all at risk.

Hate frivolous lawsuits? Then vote no on 98. If this passes it opens the door to a lot of those lawsuits. The end results higher taxpayer costs and an economy hurting even more than it already is.

Who opposes Prop 98? That's why a broad coalition including AARP, League of Women Voters of California, the Coalition to Protect California Renters, California Professional Firefighters, California Alliance for Retired Americans, California Teachers Association, California Police Chiefs Association, California Chamber of Commerce, and dozens of others. Governor Schwarzenegger, Senators Boxer and Feinstein and nearly every other state-wide elected official also are urging a NO vote on Prop 98. Many of these same groups are also supporting a real eminent domain reform on the June 3rd ballot. Proposition 99 is the straightforward solution we need to protect against eminent domain abuse. Prop. 99 prohibits government from using eminent domain to take a home to transfer to a private developer. Unlike the landlords' Prop. 98, Prop. 99 is eminent domain reform with NO HIDDEN AGENDAS. Please be sure you have the facts and vote NO on 98 and Yes on 99 on June 3rd.

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